Saturday, 28 July 2012

multilevel inheritance example java program

class students
        private int sno;
        private String sname;
        public void setstud(int no,String name)
                sno = no;
                sname = name;
        public void putstud()
                System.out.println("Student No : " + sno);
                System.out.println("Student Name : " + sname);
class marks extends students
        protected int mark1,mark2;
        public void setmarks(int m1,int m2)
                mark1 = m1;
                mark2 = m2;
        public void putmarks()
                System.out.println("Mark1 : " + mark1);
                System.out.println("Mark2 : " + mark2);
class finaltot extends marks
        private int total;
        public void calc()
                total = mark1 + mark2;
        public void puttotal()
                System.out.println("Total : " + total);
        public static void main(String args[])
                finaltot f = new finaltot();


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  6. Hello,
    Could you tell me that how to take those name,marks as inputs in runtime using scanner?
